Friday, April 16, 2010

Thank you for coming!

Thank you for coming hear Fr. Mujule speak. Over 100 Creighton students, faculty, and professors attended the event. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

If you would like to learn more about Fr. Mujule, visit his website at

AFSA Banquet

image taken from danceconmigo
Creighton University's African Students Association is having their annual banquet Saturday April 17 at 6pm. It will feature African dancing, storytelling, fashion show, and speaker. NETwork will be present selling our jewelry! If you would like to come, they are selling tickets....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fr. Mujule Comes to Creighton

Fr. Mujule, the Ugandan priest that organizes all NETwork Against malaria's mosquito net deliveries, is coming to Creighton! He would love to meet the many of you who have made jewelry or given donations to our organization--and all who would like to learn more. Come hear his incredible life story that has impacted thousands of people and that will deeply touch you.

All attendees will receive baked treats and will be entered in a raffle for a free NETwork Against Malaria t-shirt and necklace.

Welcome to Creighton University's NETwork Against Malaria Chapter